Happy 2025! How has the year started off for you? I hope you're feeling energized and motivated to take action to do the things you want to do this year.
What do I mean by that?
I've been doing a lot of reflecting over the past few weeks, and I have made the decision to start taking more action and do less wishing, because wishing doesn't get you anywhere.
I want to do a lot of things this year, and I bet you do too. Maybe I won't complete them all, but I have decided that I'm going to take the steps to try. I'm not just going to write them down on a piece of paper and then forget about them. I'm going to send the emails, run the webinars, organize the meetings and do all the things that I can do to make what I want to happen, happen.
It won't be easy all of the time, but I came to a little realization the other day that I want to share with you here so that you can apply it to your specific situation.
I was at the gym, which was closed for everyone but those of us who are going to be competing in January. We were doing a really hard workout and I was thinking to myself "Whyyyyyy couldn't we have just had a break over the holidays?!" But then I reminded myself that I was actually very happy to have the opportunity to keep working out because the final result is that I feel strong, healthy and happy with myself afterwards.
The same goes for everything that we want in life.
I want to grow my business a lot this year. In 2025, I want to organize summer camps, and a trip to the UK with my students. I want to create an international community so that I can have small group lessons with kids from all over Europe so that my students have the opportunity to practice their English with kids from other cultures.
There will be things that I will need to do to make this happen that will feel like that super hard workout, but I will remind myself that the final result is that I will have something amazing to offer to my current clients, as well as any new clients who come on board.
Maybe you want to start running, so the first thing you do is tie your shoes and go out the door, right? Maybe you want to stop eating junk food, so the first thing you do is clean your kitchen cabinets of all the sugary crap in there and then go to the supermarket and buy healthier options, right? Or maybe you want to start learning to play the guitar, so the first thing you do is look online to see if there are any guitar lessons for adults in your area, right?
Now, I'm no life coach, but I am definitely an expert at helping people feel awesome about how they speak English. Learning a new language is hard. Sometimes we just want to give up and quit.
My little students are so lucky, because they are learning in a way that is fun for them and they don't feel silly or scared to talk, but if you're learning as an adult, I know 100% that it's often frustrating.
If you're a mom, I bet you do everything for your kids, right? You sign them up for all the activities that you can so that they can grow up learning all kinds of new skills. But I bet you don't always invest the time, energy and money into teaching yourself new skills, am I right?
If one of the things you've been wishing to do for a while now is do more in English at home with your child, why not take action, today? Here's three ways you could take action, right here, right now😉:
Sign up for my newsletter if you're not already signed up - I share weekly tips and resources on how to help your child have fun while learning English. Click here to sign up!
You're invited to join my new course, English for Motivated Moms. If you're curious, click here to get all the information! We're starting this week to take advantage of the New Year Mojo, so don't wait too long!
If you'd like to know how I can help you or your child through personalized, 1-1 lessons, click this link to book a chat with me. I won't sell you anything, I'll just help you to understand if and how I can help you and your child achieve your English speaking goals!
Alright then, I hope you feel fired up to start taking action towards what you want to achieve this year, and remember, life happens, so don't beat yourself up if things don't go exactly to plan.
Baby steps often get you further than huge, dangerous leaps😉!
