British English vs. American English. We could also throw in Australian English, but I'm not so versed on their slang, so we'll keep it simple. Just FYI, I was born into a USA-UK family, and I have been teaching English since I was 20 years old, and now, 100 years later, I am still discovering significant differences between the two. Is one better than the other? The British will tell you "Of course mate, UK English", and the Americans would just look at you all confused and say, "You mean there's other countries in the world?" (hahaha, love you all..😅). In my opinion, there isn't a "better" English. By Cambridge standards, there is a more "correct" English, but for most of you reading this post, it doesn't matter if you mix and match UK - USA vocabulary when you speak English. The important thing is that you try to communicate!
Instead of making a simple chart, I decided it was more fun to make little picture diagrams for you. Yes, I teach children, that's why. Anyways, this is certainly not an exhaustive list, but it's enough to get you started for most basic conversations!

For those of you who are more advanced, watch this video on some more differences between USA and UK English. If you can understand it, it's absolutely hilarious!
throw in: phrasal verb - to add something to a "mixture"
to be versed on [smth]: to have experience with something
FYI: for your information
mix and match: to combine different things (perhaps unconventionally)
exhaustive: synonym for complete
hilarious: really really funny