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Claire Teaches Kids
Your English Space
3 min read
I'll start in September...
Happy new [school] year! I hope you've had a wonderful summer and are ready to get back into the groove of things, be it work, school or...
Your English Space
3 min read
It's a wrap!
First of all, "it's/that's a wrap" is used in cinematography to say that a scene or a movie has been finished filming and everyone can go...
Your English Space
3 min read
How to talk about severe weather
As I stated in another post, the weather is the perfect small talk topic, but it's becoming more than just small talk, I'd say right now...
Your English Space
2 min read
Have you ever been to...?
Have you ever been to Iceland? Yes, I have. I went last year with my boyfriend. No, I haven't. I'd like to go someday. The (dreaded)...
Your English Space
3 min read
Learning English is like climbing a mountain
Have you ever climbed a mountain? Have you ever even been to the mountains? Do you even like the mountains? What the ?*#$ does that have...
Your English Space
1 min read
How important is pronunciation?
I can't wait till next week, I'm going to the b*tch! I need to write a note, can you give me a sh*t of paper please? I haven't eaten all...
Your English Space
3 min read
How to talk about your holidays
So, what are you doing this year for your holidays? We're going on a cruise, all expenses paid... Sound familiar? Okay, maybe not the all...
Your English Space
3 min read
What's up with language immersion?
I've studied English for ___ years, but I still don't feel like I can speak it very well... Us language teachers hear this at least once...
Your English Space
3 min read
The deal with English exams
Cambridge, TOEFL, IELTS, Trinity...the Common European Framework...reading and use, writing, speaking, listening...HELP! You've been...
Your English Space
2 min read
How to talk about family
My sister's husband's nieces and nephews are my... Talking about your immediate family members in English is fairly simple, but what...
Your English Space
2 min read
Make a cake...or do a cake?
I made a cake, so now I need to do some exercise because I ate it all! So English strikes again. In both Spanish and Italian, and...
Your English Space
1 min read
A fruit...the fruit...fruit?
I like fruit. A fruit has fallen from the tree. The fruit is ripe. Why?!?!?! Articles are horrid little creatures. You can't live with...
Your English Space
2 min read
How are you, really?
How are you? I'm fine thanks, and you? How many of your English conversations start out like this? There is, of course, nothing wrong...
Your English Space
3 min read
How to talk about work
Ironically enough, May 1st, or International Worker's Day, was on a Sunday this year, so no holiday for us workers, at least not here in...
Your English Space
3 min read
Should you do grammar exercises?
Grammar exercises. To do them, or not to do them, that is the question. Many of my students come to me saying something along the lines...
Your English Space
3 min read
Why read in another language?
Why read in another language when you don't even have time to read a book in your own language? The reality is that we are all busy and...
Your English Space
2 min read
How to talk about the future
THE FUTURE That's a big word. One that right now is full of uncertainty, but I suppose it's always been that way, right? The only thing...
Your English Space
2 min read
An ode to nature
First of all, Claire, what is an ode. Second of all, Claire, you're a teacher not a biologist. Yes, but this week is National Wildlife...
Your English Space
2 min read
Speak [language] without studying!
Really. It's true! Technology is advancing in leaps and bounds and pretty much just dragging us along for the ride...It has its pros and...
Your English Space
2 min read
I hate Spring
I said it. I - hate - Spring. I dislike Spring. I don't like Spring. I'd rather not have Spring. I prefer Winter. I'm not a fan of...
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