Are you a mom?
Do you speak some English, but always say things like,
“My English isn’t very good…”
“My pronunciation is so bad…”
“I don’t know enough English to…”
“I’m too embarrassed to speak English."
“I’ll never speak English well enough to really help my child learn…”
Hi, I'm Teacher Claire and I am so crazy passionate about getting kids to speak confidently, but I don’t just talk to kids😂.
I talk to their moms (and dads!), and over the years I’ve heard these sentences over, and over, and over again.
That's why I decided to make the "5 Day Boost your Confidence Challenge" to help you, dear mom, get a boost of confidence in your English speaking skills, starting right now, during the Christmas holidays.
It's got 5 simple activities that you can do with your child over the holiday period, and do you know what the best part is? It's not a competition, there's no deadline and there's no final test.
Click below to get your free copy today!